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Friday, June 10, 2005

Early Electronic Oddities

"Early Electronic Oddities is an exploration of the strange and subliminal sounds of early electronic musical instruments from 1860 to 1970, and many now almost obselete daring and experimental creations like the Mixtur-Trautonium, the Ondes-Martenot, the Rhythmicon, the Ondioline, the RCA synthesizer, electro-theremin and the inventions of the Italian Futurists and Raymond Scott. Live discussions, field recordings and amazingly unearthed rare recordings presented by two theremin players, Miss Hypnotique and Bruce Woolley. Features recorded contributions by Bob Moog and Jean-Jacques Perrey."
Originally broadcast on Friday 29th October 7 - 8.30pm GMT on London's Resonance 104.4fm.
Listen to the show here. (via Swen's Weblog)