This is I guess a call for help aimed at our Swedish readers (But help is welcome wherever it originates so I'll write in English).
"Sagan om Karl-Bertil Jonssons julafton"(The story of Karl-Bertil Jonsson's Christmas Eve) is;
A) a great little Christmas short story written by
Tage Danielsson (It can be read
here, in Swedish though),
B) a marvelous
animated short by director/animator/illustrator
Per Åhlin with the author doing the speaker voice,
C) one of a few Swedish Christmas-TV-traditions (the best and most impotant in my book).
The story is nice. I guess the theme is "it is more blessed to give than receive". The animation is fantastic and so is the cool jazz score by
Gunnar Svensson.
Now, the problem is I haven't been able to get my hands on the original music score. I have another version (listen
here) which is really good but not
THE one. So, if someone has it and is willing to share it,
please mail it to me or use
Yousendit or something!. I would be very grateful! (Mrdantefontana wants it too!)
And as they say: "It's better to give than receive"!
No complete luck yet but
here's a snippet of the original sent to me by dear ol'
Johnny at
Stationsvakt. Thanks a lot Johnny! Ska du ha ett fikon?!
mOBSCENE reminds us that
the illustrated book can be found here. Ta ett fikon du med!
Written by P-E Fronning of Martin Klasch.