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Thursday, December 02, 2004


Featured scopitone is Joi Lansing - Web of love (And it's one of the best scopitone movies I ever seen!)
There are lots of other GREAT scopitone films in the Scopitone-of-the-day Archive - but, sadly, I can't get any of them to work today. Maybe a bandwidth problem?
But check back on these. Better luck next time!
To support this great site: Be hip! Maybe buy some scopitone classics on DVD?

Learn more about the Scopitone in this great article by Jack Stephenson.

Update: By some strange and odd forces the last entry called "New Blog Entry Fight" disappeared. I have NO IDEA WHY!? But I know that Spike for Scopitones.com was the winner and that Jack Bravery and Michael Leigh also left comments (the HaloScan posts are still there!).
If anyone know why this happened and what I've done wrong - please tell me!

Update II: Spike who won the "Entry Contest" is Spike Priggen. Listen to his latest CD, "The Very Thing That You Treasure" here - it's really nice (reminds me a bit of Chris Bell/Alex Chilton with a streak of country/folk)!