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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

'Today's Puzzle Volume II' by Troy Cory

Pastor McPurvis tells us: "Up this week we're sharing the dulcet tones of crooner Troy Cory, who does indeed live up to the album's title. Just who was/is this guy? At first, one could take in the cover art and easily dismiss Mr. Cory as just another smarmy, open-shirted lounge lizard. However, if you dig a little deeper into the recording and Mr. Cory himself, more and more curious facts emerge. A Google search reveals several websites that seem to be run by Mr. Cory detailing his ample and apparently quite popular performing career in China. ...
... Mr. Cory's interpretations of the tunes are definitely unique and hard to describe. It is a strange mix of lounge and country that grabs your ear forces you to listen, if only to find out what his is going to do to the song next. In recent years, Mr. Cory (who's real name is Keith Stubblefield) has dedicated a large amount of effort and time trying to get his grandfather recognition for his early experiments in radio and wireless telephone technology. He has written a book that describes his grandfather as the true inventor of radio. The debate is still out on that however. Just another piece that doesn't quite fit in the puzzle that is Troy Cory. Have fun listening and as always, Enjoy!"
Read even more and have a listen at 'Today's Puzzle Volume II' by Troy Cory.