Roky Erickson.net, Roky Erickson Official Site (cool!), Roky CD Club, 13th Floor Elevators Discography (decent cover scans), Interview With 13th Floor Elevators (Allan Vorda interviewed Roky and some band members on different occasions over a period of a decade - 1980-1990).
'Just kind of chilling out' ... Roky Erickson in You're Gonna Miss Me.
"... When Keven McAlester, a former music journalist, decided to make his first film, You're Gonna Miss Me, he chose one hell of a subject: Roky Erickson, singer with the 13th Floor Elevators, the Texas band credited with inventing psychedelic rock.
Erickson was an angel-faced, charismatic 19-year-old in 1966 when he wrote the hit song of the film's title, and 22 when he was packed off to Rusk State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. At the time, Roky may well have been sane; having the fondness you'd expect for illegal drugs of a 1960s psychedelic rocker, he'd been arrested often and pleaded insanity to escape a long prison term for marijuana possession. When he was released, after three-and-a-half years of electroshock and Thorazine treatment, he was not. Whether the hospital had treated his problems or made them worse, no one knows.
Roky's road to success article and interview ..."
Roky's road to success article in Guardian. (via Up-Tight)
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