The world would have been a better place had there been more music that had been interpreted by the fabulous Nairobi Trio. At the very least, there exists a whole album of wonkified standards transformed by Robert Maxwell, the man whose arrangement of Solfeggio became the Nairobi Trio's theme.
The Fortune Tellers - Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life
Whole album here
Hey- this is great. I recently found the 'Song of the Nairobi Trio' on 45, and believe it or not, i've actually been looking for this album...
Thanks for finding it for me!
Dig my copy of the 45. http://wopbopaloobopalopbamboom.blogspot.com/2010/10/camel-train.html
Oh- Busted! I thought there was a link to the whole album.... Dang. I was excited about that.
I fixed the post--originally the link was when you click the name of the band. Now I've clarified it so it's easier to find the whole album. Enjoy!
Thanks for this great find! More goodies on the site as well. Andre Popp!!
This is why i love the internet!
Thanks BA!
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