We received a lovely gift here at PCL from Steve Crichton, who offered to send along a collection of Scopitone music MP3s for more portable listening. Surely a song such as Jody Miller's The Race Is On loses a great deal without the go-go girls and their horsy-tails, but trust me, you'll thank yourself for downloading this one next time "High Boots" comes up on your iPod and you break out into uncontrollable giggles.
Here's what Steve has to say about the collection:
Scoping The Tones
Merely listening to the eclectic variety of Scopitone songs offers no substitute for experiencing the campy cinematic masterpieces. Please be sure to view the corresponding films and seek their historical insignificance during your online adventures. Of course, some stereo
tracks are still available today, and you won't find them included.
However, if you would enjoy over an hour of out-of-print monophonic tunes that are slightly enhanced despite their vintage audio flaws, now is your chance to enjoy the glorious awfulness and genius. Sorry folks, these are just English Tones, and you may not recognize them without the typical Scopitone hiss! However, in light of the poor source recordings, these files may not be ideal for headphone scrutiny. Regardless, this collection is probably the best available and worth a listen if you're a fan.
Scopitones Rapidshare
Scopitones Megaupload
What a great share! Thank you!
Hey! I saw one of these when I was a kid. Around 1964, we were at our regular vacation spot, Camp Warneke, in New Braunsfels, Texas, and the Greman cafe and dance hall called Schrumkrud's had one of these. Could say my first music video experience was a hot polka number. Warpped me 'till this very day!
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