Alberto B. Bembo - Io e Mara (1969) via THE UNKNOWN PLANET
" Another great work by Alberto B. Bembo, released on 1969. A album that smells of beach, daikiris, palms and a little erosticism of 70's. Mix percussion, electric bass, organ, and a wordless female voice in a haunting soundscape of sexy tracks with a totally unique feel. "
An obscure movie soundtrack, also from Alberto B. Bembo, Codice D'Amore Orientale(1974)

" Splendid album by Alberto B. Bembo, with the participation of Blue Marvin Orchestra corresponding to the Codice d'Amore Orientale OST, film directed by Piero Vivarelli, in 1974. Unfortunately, the file is incomplete, and isn't available it first track “God is love”, that I've not found nowhere. On the same way, I've not found the original film nowhere (emule, torrent, etc…) after some weeks looking around. If somebody knows where I can find it, I'll very thank you. " Always via THE UNKNOWN PLANET
Thanks a lot Ed! for making all these obscure gems available for our listening pleasure.
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