From stainlesssteeldroppings.com:
"Pitt’s exotic looks and eastern European accent brought her to the attention of Hammer Films executives and they cast her in the role of Mircalla in Vampire Lovers, the film loosely based on J. Sheridan le Fanu’s classic short story Carmilla.
Vampire Lovers also starred Peter Cushing and it established Ingrid Pitt as a bona fide horror queen. Hammer films was going through a period in which they were introducing more flesh and blood into the horror genre so there is a bit of inexplicable (silly) nudity in the film. While somewhat convoluted at times the film maintains a nice creepy atmosphere throughout. Both Pitt and Cushing are fantastic and the film was a box office success but it pales in comparison to what it could have been had they followed the story more faithfully."
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