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Friday, March 23, 2012

"the hunt" by Juan & Junior

From Spanish wikipedia:

Juan Ignacio Pardo Suarez (1942, Palma de Mallorca) and Antonio Morales Barreto "Junior" (1943, Philippines).

They started their career in Los Pekenikes and Brincos in the 60's. In February 1967 they formed the duo John and Junior. Their discography is short (only 6 singles) but full of successes.

In 1968 be responsible for composing the entire soundtrack and songs from the movie A dos niƱas, directed by Luis Lucia Mingarro and starring Marisol and Palomo Linares.

One day John, in the absence of Junior tried to correct a recording of John's voice with his own. This was the end of the duo. They continued as solo artists.


Sr. Ausente said...

Hi. Pekenikes and Brincos are diferent bands. Probably, Los Brincos are the most popular 60s spanish band.

splogman said...

thanks for setting me straight about that. google translate, you know...