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Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Mystery of the Mystrys

The story of the Mystry's is the stuff of legend. Formed in 1966 by an enterprising Australian entrepreneur named Michael Kopp, the band was destined as the "next big thing" after the British Invasion phenomena. Mr. Kopp, thinking way too hard for an angle that would propel the band into the stratosphere came up with idea that the band would claim that they were from another planet. Alien names were assigned to the band members and their identity would remain an complete Mystry

Lead guitarist, Ziggy Zapata, bore the nickname "Kuff" (try it backwards) and bandmates sported "futuristic" costumes that were little more than green velvet hoods hurriedly stitched together with eye and mouth holes cut out.

Their crowning achievement was the single, "Witch Girl" backed by "Land of The Green Sun"

The Mystrys - Witch Girl
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Predictably, the end of the road for the band was rife with bounced checks, police investigations and management abuses. Unmasked at last.


mrdantefontana said...

Nice track! Nice masks!

Dusty said...

I like.