The music is as excruciating bad as you might imagine, but the album cover is pretty cool. If you really have an overwhelming need to hear elderly men all on the brink of dying from strokes pretending to sing like children, you can get it here.
I really have no explanation whatsoever for blogging this.
Bring on the pigs in a blanket and Flaming Blue Hawaiis, I'm starting a new diet!
On a personal note, back in my college days, I worked summers at a methadone clinic. (oh, the stories!) The director used to talk about how he was going to write a diet manual called "Spit and Stay Slim". You could chew up as much food as you wanted, but you just couldn't swallow it. I imagine you were to carry a bucket around with you for disposal purposes, or perhaps just a large pocketbook or backpack.
I don't know the number of people who actually kicked the heroin habit under his watch, but I suspect it was probably as many as who would have been helped by his diet plan idea.
Bat Guano goes through a mysterious record selection process before each episode of SwaG!.
Hours before broadcast he drinks a pot of coffee, lights candles, meditates, sprinkles goobah dust on his black cat bone, takes every fifth record from his collection and flings them about. He then cuts himself with the sharp edge of a...
All this and more including two recordings of a weird radio show.
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