Friday, April 30, 2010
Color Him Kids!
Buck Owens
Coloring page
Country and western
Hee Haw
Hee Haw Comics
Les Reed Orchestra - Man of action
Anthem of offshore radiostation Radio Noordzee. Over half of the images however are of the other notorious pirate station Radio Veronica.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Loco Luisito

...iiiiii loco, loco me llama la genteeeee....
Ah Luisito, why so glum? Girl troubles, or hairdresser problems? Whatever the case, your version of Loco is so wonderfully over-the-top, just keep up the angst, just keep it up.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Ganymed - It Takes Me Higher {1977}
OMG! How had I never heard of this now-defunct Austrian space disco outfit - Ganymed - before?!
Thank you for entering my drab life.
Stormtroopers love kittens
Lucas-free Star Wars-ian expressions of creativity remind me of the joy I once took from the Original Trilogy. Check out the fabulous photo work of Mike Stimpson aka Balakov on Flickr - lots of fun stuff

Monday, April 26, 2010
R.I.P. Bo Hansson

Bo Hansson, the Swedish organist and composer has died.
He was probably most well known for his 'Music Inspired by Lord of the Rings' and for being one part of the duo Hansson & Karlsson (their rare flexi Ep's is a part of one of PCL's compilations here - you can also see some groovy clips with the band here in this swedish tv special).
His music and his vision definitively deserves to be more recognized.
'Leaving Shire' (Sagan Om Ringen (Lord Of The Rings))
'At the House of Elrond & The Ring Goes South' (Sagan Om Ringen (Lord Of The Rings))
'Waiting ...' (Mellanväsen (Attic Thoughts))
Bo Hansson
Hansson och Karlsson
Lord of the Rings
organ music
Guitar of Love
Egyptian-born guitarist Omar Khorshid (1945-1981) stars in the 1973 Lebanese film Guitar al-Hob (Guitar of Love).
The link also includes photos, bio and links to some his LPs like Belly Dance with Omar Khorshid and His Magic Guitar, Rhythms from the Orient and With Love.

Der schräge Otto
Just think of how easy it would be to re-enact this video with Schräge (Crazy) Otto and den Spree-City-Stompers--rent an empty space like a former Circuit City, add some cardboard and poster paint backgrounds, everyone brings her/his own long underwear and false whiskers. Magic!
Video seen at De 78rpm a 33 1/3rpm
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Pop Photography - An introduction, perhaps?
I'm known as Rantz as well as Charles (or Charlz) Strebor - I take fotiez, I blog, I eat, I sleep and I work to pay for the first four in the list.
I haven't a clue as to what Pop Photograpy is - but I have lots of ideas. The more I look for Pop Photography, the more confused I become and the more ideas I find tend to add to the confusion.
What is it, this Pop Photography? Is it a subset of Pop Art - whatever that may be:
Is it photography using toy cameras or software to emulate toy cameras - whatever they may be:
Is it photography of one of those mysterious items of our current culture - the 23?
I still haven't a clue - but I still have lots of ideas (and even more confusion) about this idea of Pop Photography. Your feedback welcome and appreciated - particularly if it adds to my confusion:
I haven't a clue as to what Pop Photograpy is - but I have lots of ideas. The more I look for Pop Photography, the more confused I become and the more ideas I find tend to add to the confusion.
What is it, this Pop Photography? Is it a subset of Pop Art - whatever that may be:
Is it photography using toy cameras or software to emulate toy cameras - whatever they may be:
Is it photography of one of those mysterious items of our current culture - the 23?
I still haven't a clue - but I still have lots of ideas (and even more confusion) about this idea of Pop Photography. Your feedback welcome and appreciated - particularly if it adds to my confusion:

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Poppy Family
From the Kenny Rogers Show, 1971. Remastered in stereo. Sent to us by The Wrath of Kath.
This song was played recently on The Friendly Persuasion Show
Sacha's Standards

Yes I know, you only like Sacha Distel as a guitarist, Mr. or Ms. Too-Hip-For-the-Room. Well, I love his vocals, and his 1962 album From Paris With Love shows his skills as a charming interpreter of jazz & pop standards.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
StSanders makes the rock history sound ... weird.
This StSanders dude is on to something here. He is deleting the history of rock step-by-step. And then he uploads his deranged versions of the sounds we thought we knew so well.
P.I.S.S - I Will Never Go To School:
Han Navel - Job:
Videos added by StSandersMisc
And ... whatever you do, do NOT miss PASSING STONES!
(Thanks to Jenny by way of SDS)
P.I.S.S - I Will Never Go To School:
Han Navel - Job:
Videos added by StSandersMisc
And ... whatever you do, do NOT miss PASSING STONES!
(Thanks to Jenny by way of SDS)
Music Video
The Rolling Stones
Van Halen
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
It's a Man's Man's Man's World: The Cruel Cocks and The Hardboiled Dicks

'The Cruel Cocks' and 'The Hardboiled Dicks'.
(uploaded to Flickr by retro-space and severance_23.)
No pussying around here.
Nick Lowe - So It Goes
Nick Lowe - So It Goes (Flash Video 02:39). The Kenny Everett Video Show, 1978.
The long lost big Kahuna of all B-movies.
With The BIGGEST and GREATEST cast ever to grace the screen this is very probably the BADDEST, COOLEST, MOST TERRIFYING, HARDEST, SEXIEST, HOTTEST, MOST EXCITING BAD ASS B-MOVIE YOU WILL EVER SEE. See the trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buy the DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before you die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will NEVER have to see another movie again. EVER.
This is the mother-ship of all motion pictures. This is IT.
Uploaded by CineGraphic
This is the mother-ship of all motion pictures. This is IT.
Uploaded by CineGraphic
Good Lord! Leopard Women on Giant Saurians!

The crudely surreal comics of Fletcher Hanks has a quality unlike any other work produced by Golden Age artists that were exploring the new genre of the Super Hero. Hanks is not a master of proportion or layout, nor does he have a cohesive storytelling flair. What sets his work apart is something that must be experienced firsthand - it is dreamlike and simplistically cruel. I always took great joy in reading reprinted Stardust tales that would occasionally pop up in G.A. reprint collections but when I finally got my paws on a comprehensive gathering of his work printed by Fantagraphics, I was electric with anticipation. I poured through the handsomely printed tome, entranced by the demented incoherence, eagerly tearing through the pages to finish it in a single sitting. The first offering from editor Paul Karasik I SHALL DESTROY ALL THE CIVILIZED PLANETS! concludes with a graphic tale of how he discovered a living relative of Fletcher Hanks - his son no less! What transpires in that brief encounter was an abrupt and sobering reminder of how we confuse our artists with their art.
A follow up to the first book, YOU SHALL DIE BY YOUR OWN EVIL CREATION! gives us the balance of all known Hanks comic book stories.
Everyone can draw some enjoyment from Fletcher - check him out further here.

comic books
Fletcher Hanks
Something Weird
Monday, April 19, 2010
Animation for Astronaut by Spinvis (Erik de Jong), from his self-titled debut album. Jules Spee made this for a school assignment (make an animation with the lyrics of a song).
Spinvis recorded another version of Astronaut with the Belgian female vocal group Laïs for "Nieuwegein aan Zee"
And Laïs made a complete rendition of their own:
Video by Spinvis himself:
Spinvis recorded another version of Astronaut with the Belgian female vocal group Laïs for "Nieuwegein aan Zee"
And Laïs made a complete rendition of their own:
Video by Spinvis himself:
Rain Bonnets: A Fashion Statement

rain bonnet car ad 1960s
Originally uploaded by BetteBeGoodVintage

rain bonnet
Originally uploaded by Mr. Flintstone

Originally uploaded by Janice Plastic
Overwhelmed by the desire to start collecting vintage rain bonnets.....
Sunday, April 18, 2010
giallo book covers

Another brand new blog, this one is dedicated to Gialli book covers and curated by Losfeld (France) ... enjoy beautiful scans here :

Isabel Patton "Que será será"
I'm not sure why she's riding around on that giant pink crab, but I like it! [via the tumbly, tumbly dew]
The Waterbury Wizard
"He's great, but you have to play him in a cage." - Casey Stengel -
Jimmy Piersall was one of baseball's most colorful personalities. He had an above average career with a number of major league teams in the 50's and 60's but is probably best known as the subject of the Tony Perkins/Karl Malden movie "Fear Strikes Out".
His battles against fans, coaches, opposing players, umpires and scoreboards were legendary. Later diagnosed with bi-polar, Jimmy was forced to miss much of the 1953 season as he was sent to Westborough State Hospital for "nervous exhaustion".
Among his most infamous acts was coming to bat wearing a Beatle wig and playing air guitar with his bat, taking bows after catching routine fly balls and as depicted below, running the bases backward after his 100th career home run. The aforementioned Stengel fired him days later, not amused by the stunt.

Jimmy went on to a checkered career as a broadcaster for a number of teams. He was ultimately fired for calling the teams wives a "bunch of horny broads".
He disowned the bio calling Anthony Perkins a "sniveling wuss". Couldn't agree more....

Jimmy is alive and well at 80 years of age, insulting radio talk show listeners with his opinions of the current state of major league sports. He remains as a true legend of the game.
Jimmy Piersall was one of baseball's most colorful personalities. He had an above average career with a number of major league teams in the 50's and 60's but is probably best known as the subject of the Tony Perkins/Karl Malden movie "Fear Strikes Out".
His battles against fans, coaches, opposing players, umpires and scoreboards were legendary. Later diagnosed with bi-polar, Jimmy was forced to miss much of the 1953 season as he was sent to Westborough State Hospital for "nervous exhaustion".
Among his most infamous acts was coming to bat wearing a Beatle wig and playing air guitar with his bat, taking bows after catching routine fly balls and as depicted below, running the bases backward after his 100th career home run. The aforementioned Stengel fired him days later, not amused by the stunt.

Jimmy went on to a checkered career as a broadcaster for a number of teams. He was ultimately fired for calling the teams wives a "bunch of horny broads".
He disowned the bio calling Anthony Perkins a "sniveling wuss". Couldn't agree more....

Jimmy is alive and well at 80 years of age, insulting radio talk show listeners with his opinions of the current state of major league sports. He remains as a true legend of the game.


Superchick: A Supercharged Girl! Always Ready For Action... Of Any Kind!!
Uploaded by TrashTrailers
I dedicate this entry to all you supercharged girls out there! You know who you are.
Joyce Jillson
movie trailers
Zappa and musical friends
Frank Zappa jammin' with The Chieftains, Johnny "Guitar" Watson and the Tuvan group Huun-Huur-Tu.
Clip uploaded by ummagummadave.
Clip uploaded by ummagummadave.
frank zappa
Johnny "Guitar" Watson
The Chieftains
Throat singing
Patricia Paay
Patricia in 1967
Patricia in 1976
Patricia, her sister Yvonne and ehm... forgot her name in 1983
sorry for that. Here are the real ones... so much sexier, don't you think?
Patricia in 1976
Patricia, her sister Yvonne and ehm... forgot her name in 1983
sorry for that. Here are the real ones... so much sexier, don't you think?
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Feeding the Chickens, Winnescheika the Indian Maiden, and Little Dogs that Pee on Towels

I suppose I should not have been surprised to find a song poem album recorded the 80s--I suppose as long as there are starry-eyed suckers who want to pay good money to put his/her words to music, there will be Nashville music factories ready to record a "demo" in 20 minutes and quickly deposit the check. While none of these songs has a chance in hell to hit the charts, we can enjoy the strange fruits of their labors on the album Flowers of Love, in which you will hear tales of....well, feeding the chickens, Indian maidens named Winnescheika, and little dogs that pee on towels, right?
And the icing is that the songs are sung by Ramsey Kearney, whose recording of the song poem Blind Man's Penis is legendary.
Punk Magazine 1977
"Interview with John Holmström [edited] & Legs McNeil of New York's Punk Magazine by Stephen MacLean from Flashez 1977 (some parts are mute)."
Clip uploaded by EntertainmentOnABC
(Via Legs McNeil)
Clip uploaded by EntertainmentOnABC
(Via Legs McNeil)
John Holmström
Legs McNeil
Punk Magazine
We drinken tot we zinken

Say kids, let's get drunk the Dutch way! By drinken tot zinken, of course. Leading the way is Johnny Hoes, who you surely know for his mega-hits "The Smuggler" and "We Want Fries With Mayonnaise" which sounds like a great way to counteract all that booze. Both the fries and the smuggling. My favorite on the compilation is Dikke Leo's "Een, twee hupsekee". When you see me dancing and singing to that one, you know I'm one or two over the limit.
So raise an Amstel and crank up the drinking songs and get busy drinking! Time's a-wastin!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Atomic Goddess

But is the tale 100% accurate? When CONELRAD first heard about the Hayworth bombshell, we could not wait to locate a photograph of it for permanent display on the front page of our website. After all, what better symbol of atomic popular culture could there possibly be? Rita Hayworth was one of the biggest female movie stars and pin-ups of the 1940s and the atomic bomb was the most significant scientific and military development of the century (and, perhaps, of all time). In other words, to our ears, it was a match made in CONELRAD heaven and we desperately wanted to believe.
But in trying to track down the elusive image we discovered that the story may have been too good to be entirely true. In the course of our admittedly obsessive quest, we spent a considerable amount of time attempting to determine whether the Rita Hayworth bomb story is myth or fact or somewhere in between. The article that follows is the culmination of our research. ..."
Rita Hayworth and the legend of the Bikini bombshell : Atomic Goddess Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 as told by Bill Geerhart.
atomic bomb
Bill Geerhart
Rita Hayworth
Solid Potato Salad - The Ross Sisters (1944)
Solid Potato Salad - The Ross Sisters (1944) (Flash Video 03:50).
Nina, Don and Merv
Don Rickles
Merv Griffin
Nina Hagen
talk show
Thursday, April 15, 2010
And only 99P!
Top TV Themes from the seventies, including In For a Penny, On the Buses, The Train Now Standing, The Big Match.....whaaaa? Oh it's BRITISH seventies nostalgia, how quaint! Apparently third world continents had television too, in the seventies! Who knew? I thought they all watched Bonanza reruns over there or something. Anyway, it's all pretty fun and snappy stuff, considering.
"A significant song of social protest you can dance to…"
George McKelvey sings "My Teenage Fallout Queen".
This tune is okay. I just like their dopey outfits.
atomic bomb
George McKelvey
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I Shall Be Released.
Bob Dylan
joni mitchell
Mama Cass Elliot
mary travers
Teddy Scholten died at the age of 83
Dutch singer and TV-host Teddy Scholten has died last week.
In 1959 she won the Eurovision Song Contest with "een beetje" (a little bit)
Scholten, together with her husband Henk, recorded several albums during her career, many of them containing songs for children. In the 1950s and 1960s she appeared in such television programmes as the Snip en Snap Revue, Zaterdagavondakkorden and Kiekeboe. In 1965 and 1966, she presented the National Song Festival. (via Radio Netherlands Worldwide)
In 1959 she won the Eurovision Song Contest with "een beetje" (a little bit)
Scholten, together with her husband Henk, recorded several albums during her career, many of them containing songs for children. In the 1950s and 1960s she appeared in such television programmes as the Snip en Snap Revue, Zaterdagavondakkorden and Kiekeboe. In 1965 and 1966, she presented the National Song Festival. (via Radio Netherlands Worldwide)
Eurovision Song Contest
female singers
my name is alba
Alba, Aris & The Olympics in Alba's Shake, 1965 Greece. Scenes from greek movies.
1960s movies
Monday, April 12, 2010
Listen to "the Percy Trout hour" tonight!

the Percy Trout hour
Monday Night (4-12-10)
8pm to 10pm EST-USA
WRFL 88.1fm
Lexington, KY
Ghost before breakfast
"Ghosts Before Breakfast" Hans Richter (1928) / People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz (2007) from Vicki WFMU on Vimeo.
Hans Richter made the now public domain film "Ghosts Before Breakfast" in 1928. Hans Richter's original soundtrack was unfortunately destroyed. With the greatest respect intended for the original film, People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz composed a new soundtrack for this film in 2007.
Ergo Phizmiz
Hans Richter
People Like Us
Let Her Light Your Candle.
Uploaded by mrjyn.
Oh, Mae West and Michael Sarne. Thank you for giving us the gift of "Myra Breckinridge."
bad movies
bad music
Mae West
myra breckinridge
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A song is worth a thousand pictures

Pulp International presents a nice collection of record covers from femme fatales, bad girls and sexploitation stars:
"The other day we realized that nearly all of our femmes fatales released records at some point, so we have a megapost of sleeves below representing a fraction of these multi-talented women’s musical output. We’ve heard most of the music, believe it or not, and while its quality varies, we do suggest you check out both Marilyn Chambers and Reiko Ike—their simulated orgasms are quite pleasing to the, er, ears. "
A song is worth a thousand pictures.
Record covers
Record Envelope
Perfect Sound Forever: Alex Chilton tribute

It wasn't just that the confused (post) adolescent fantasies he concocted on Big Star's Radio City spoke to me in a really personal way when I first heard it in high school, making me feel a little less afraid of that strange transitional period in my life.
It was also LX's whole attitude towards music and the biz. He'd been a Box Top with hits, a cult hero in Big Star and spent most of the rest of his life as a solo act, again in cult mode. He was immersed in the biz but never really concered with anything than playing and writing, even if it wasn't for a large audience. He just had to do it and if he put out weird, esoteric records that made sense only to a cult following, so be it. That was his statement and his life. I loved him for it.
I heard the news of his death a few days before I was hoping to see him perform with Big Star at SXSW. A lot of people there were crushed by the unexpected news. The fact that the rest of the band went on with the show with special guests filling in as a tribute was a lovely way to pay some respect to him.
PSF had ran a few articles about LX and Big Star that we wanted to highlight again, along with some further thoughts on about him from a blog posting I did soon after I heard the bad news.
Thank you Alex- no matter how many records you didn't manage to sell, you really were a big star."
Coop Kaiju Pr0n
I am in awe of the marriage between excess wealth and geek boy obssession. I have a passive interest in Kaiju toys but when I stumbled upon Coop's Flickr account I was stunned by the magnitude of his collection. Between the Japanese rubber monsters and the Alternative nude models (which he often combines with depraved glee), the man leads a decadently delicious lifestyle - and still manages to find the time to paint. Please be aware many of the images on his Photostream are definitely NSFW!
I adore burlesque "Beauty and Beast" acts of old where schlubs in ill-fitting, mangy gorilla suits sweated it up on stage, pawing and groping pretty gals in skimpy, diaphanous outfits. A delightfully surreal twist on the act blends the two elements together in a Siamese twinning of the fair maiden and her animalistic tormentor. Pictured below is Little Brooklyn, a modern burlesque dancer I discovered on MySpace, who still cavorts about the stage in the same fashion as her predecessor above.
Gorilla Men wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the My Photos album
Image originally discover on Tumblr courtesy of PHANTOM OF THE RADIO
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