Two years ago or so Debra Paget's dance from Das Indische Grabmal (The Indian Tomb) was on a bunch of sites owing to her "artificially nude" appearance juxtaposed over Fritz Lang's exotic and tense mise en scene. It looked cool. This clip:
is not dissimilar and it's from the first film of his Indian Epic Trilogy - Der Tiger Von Eschnapur. The set is pretty spectacular as is Paget's gusto towards getting the performance maximized. A great lepers-that-look-like-zombies scene shortly follows in the film.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Debra Paget's First Dance for Fritz Lang
Debra Paget
Fritz Lang
Google Image Search: "Slenderella"

(Phyllis Diller "You're looking at a Slenderella reject, baby!" looking strangely like Edith Bouvier Beale.)
[last one via I'm Learning To Share]
Flash Face
This Moment of Love
I wish there was a video of my favorite Ferlin tune, "Drunken Driver," but sadly, even the fan-made one is just a title card. Ferlin also made another morbid classic, "I Dug My Daddy's Grave." Here, have a listen to his cheery "This Moment of Love" instead.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
RAUDIO directs ookoi@E@rport, a live & streaming audio/video extravaganza from 12 until 17 pm, on saturday january 31st, 2009 . With live audio contributions from the ookoi, Tim Benjamin, Cécile Zylberajch, Aris Baymzter and more; streaming audio contributions from Lausanne, Berlin, Paris and elsewhere; video HD projections including the premiere of 'Icarus', from Dick Tuinder's "Winterland" ...
Songs for Sinners

“It’s like at Girls’ School, you remember the rules…lights out at 9, candles out at 11….”
It’s the faboo Queen of naughty lounge comedy Rusty Warren again, and if you’re simply too busy or important to listen to the entire 40 minute set, fear not….I have pre-chewed the entire album and expectorated out two of the better numbers for your aural satiation. Mmm-mmm, guaranteed to leave a rusty aftertaste in your mouth after consuming.
The Satorialist
One of my favorite fashion blogs is the Satorialist. Don't be put off by the fashion aspect. It's what people are ACTUALLY wearing.
"I started The Sartorialist simply to share photos of people that I saw on the streets of New York that I thought looked great."
It's true, whether it be jazz influenced or e Zoot suits or a rock and roll gal in Moscow.
This, however is my favorite look.
(I did links--the images are rather large)
"I started The Sartorialist simply to share photos of people that I saw on the streets of New York that I thought looked great."
It's true, whether it be jazz influenced or e Zoot suits or a rock and roll gal in Moscow.
This, however is my favorite look.
(I did links--the images are rather large)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Jackson Pollack
Today is his birthday.
In November 2006 Pollock's "No. 5, 1948" became the world's most expensive painting, when it was sold privately to an undisclosed buyer for the sum of 140 million dollars.

Ok, this little pictures doesn''t do it justice. Pollack's work is rather large.
Peeping Tom (1960)

Peeping Tom (1960 - UK) directed by Michael Powell. Carl Boew as Mark Lewis, the voyeur, is brilliant, the psychological complexity of his character is amazing. But you can read more intersting blablabla on wikipedia or imdb.
Horror movies
Peeping Tom
psycho killer
Jayne Mansfield's gay paree
[ poor quality video!]
Jayne teaches us all about homosexuality in France in the swinging ‘60’s.
Clip from The Wild, Wild World of Jayne Mansfield.
via The Butterfly Effects Tumblr
Jayne Mansfield
Something Weird
Scotland Till I Die!
The Scottish blood running through my veins just couldn't let Lex10's bagpipe babe go by without a little co-blogging. Here's a Scottish lad with tunes to make your heart soar:
[via Everything is Terrible.]
[via Everything is Terrible.]
Female Fashions for Men - Hue Magazine, 1954
black fashion
drag queens
lace-edged undies
A Braw Wee Lassie Plays the Pipes Fer Ye
I dinna ken tha pipes could be played in such a state. It's fookin brilliant, nae? It disnae hafta be lads in kilts after all.......
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Cinque Bambole Per La Luna Di Agosto (1970)
5 Dolls For An August Moon
from Cinque Bambole Per La Luna Di Agosto (1970) Mario Bava.
Soundtrack by Piero Umiliani available via The Manchester Morgue

from Cinque Bambole Per La Luna Di Agosto (1970) Mario Bava.
Soundtrack by Piero Umiliani available via The Manchester Morgue

Mp3 blog
Piero Umiliani
Vinyl Sharity
Mod, Italian Style.
Screw pilates. If you really want to lose weight, try the Rita Pavone workout:
The tune is "Il Geghegè" from an Italian TV show in 1966.
[via The World of Kane.]
The tune is "Il Geghegè" from an Italian TV show in 1966.
[via The World of Kane.]
Monday, January 26, 2009
Driving the Mean Streets of Japan.
The uber-ginchy TV in Japan blog appears to finally be back on a regular posting schedule. One of the new goodies Gavin has brought us is this piece of computer game-based stand-up comedy by Jinnai Tomonori:
Tomonori-san has made a niche for himself with this kind of comedy. Here he is tackling a zombie first-person-shooter game:
Tomonori-san has made a niche for himself with this kind of comedy. Here he is tackling a zombie first-person-shooter game:
Hey, Mac! What Do You Know?

Follow the right steer, and not the bum steer, and you won't get the clap. Or something like that. See the entire 1950s pamphlet here.
social diseases
venereal disease
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Loyalty, and giant cucurbits

People, people....I thought we were all here to look out for one another, and no one, NO ONE thought to inform me about a download that's been out there for several months at Thrift Store DJ of a Happy, Snappy polka album by Ed Podolak and his PolkaCats featuring songs about 10 inch cucumbers and blazing smoke stacks and watching Charlie Chan movies and playing Bingo?
OK, maybe the music isn't THAT great, but don't you covet that album sleeve?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Download another Percy Trout hour!
For Non Partisan Shepard Fairey Fans
Obamiconme: stupid yet deeply participatory and often creative fun, based on the B***** O***** poster done by Shepard Fairey, the now celebrated outsider artist. Here's two of mine, which one will note are completely apolitical thereby not endorsing anything no matter how fair-minded, just or awesome it's worldwide consensus may be.

B***** O****
Shepard Fairey
stupid. Lex10
The Spotnicks outfits

A scan from my collection, their records are quite easy to find on fleamarkets (in Europe i guess).
The band is still playing nowadays, mainly in Sweden, check their official website.

via atherdiscretion

Check the video in previous post by Andrew!
This is co-blogging!
Cover Art
Surf music
The Spotnicks
The Spotnicks
The Spotnicks... Orange Blossom Special (Flash Video 02:10). Also... The Spotnicks' Theme (1961, Karusell KFF 347 .mp3 audio 02:21).
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Do You Wanna Jump, Children?
One would hate to be in any band that had to perform after the Flamingos. From the 1959 movie "Go Johnny Go".
Bobby and Cissy
Bobby Burgess and Cissy King dancing in wonderful outfits on The Lawrence Welk Show!
Bobby Burgess
Cissy King
Funky Little Spacegirl

Funky Little Spacegirl (YouTube clip)
Funky Little Spacegirl Official Website (Broadcast-quality clip)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Chicken Feathers

This post from Quimsy's Mumbo Jumbo hits the trifecta for me....swinging jazz combo, great vocals, AND weird song titles....."The Saga of Harrison Crabfeathers", "Pearlie's Swine", and the title track "Chicken Feathers". When I'm not obsessively watching President Obama's every televised move today, I'll listen to it some more.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Lose 10 Inches in 10 Weeks!

If a combination of Gluttony and Sloth (and possibly not enough Lust) has left you resembling Konishiki before gastric bypass surgery, you may benefit from the peppy 1966 exercise album hey smile FITNESS IS FUN. Just a few of the invigorating exercises you will learn from fitness guru Arlene Zupp:
“You’ve swallowed a flagpole”
“Your chest is glued to the floor with Elmer’s glue” (accept no substitutes)
“Make a two-legged table”
"Pretend Your're Looking at Your Seat, Is There Any Dust on It?"
“Grab those sphincters and turn blue”
“Feel the goosebumps go up and down your spine, HEY!”
Arlene Zupp
Don't Call the Cops, it's Only a Domestic
From the 1937 movie "Okay For Sound" featuring the Crazy Gang.

Originally uploaded by el estratografico
Some interesting looking vintage album sleeves on Flickr--keep clicking and you'll see France Gall and Françoise Hardy, among others.
The Future's So Bright...

Your host of SwaG!, Bat Guano, was showing some signs of dis-ease in this episode.
Was it because he guzzled an entire bottle of a “health drink” containing exotic Brazilian jungle fruits, which caused him to evacuate...
Read more, if you dare! And listen to the three hours of archived terrestrial radio, we dare you! Go here for more Bat Guano's SwaG!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Prices that are...INSANE
Inspired by Donna Lethal's post.
As a kid growing up on the Jersey Shore, besides the Haunted Mansion, we had Crazy Eddie.

Crazy Eddie was a electronic chain. It eventually went under for fraud, and lots of it.
More importantly, Crazy Eddie was known for his "Christmas in August" sale. This is a medley of them from youtube user imockery.
As a kid growing up on the Jersey Shore, besides the Haunted Mansion, we had Crazy Eddie.

Crazy Eddie was a electronic chain. It eventually went under for fraud, and lots of it.
More importantly, Crazy Eddie was known for his "Christmas in August" sale. This is a medley of them from youtube user imockery.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Sham-Wow: the Early Years
Here in the US, there is a commercial that is on incessantly, featuring a hyped-up pitchman named "Vince" and his amazing product, the "Sham-Wow." Here it is:
Well, it turns out, Vince, like most pitchmen, has a Hollywood past! He produced, directed, and starred in The Underground Comedy Movie, with other luminaries like Slash and Joey Buttafuco. Trust me, the dubbed clip is better:
Well, it turns out, Vince, like most pitchmen, has a Hollywood past! He produced, directed, and starred in The Underground Comedy Movie, with other luminaries like Slash and Joey Buttafuco. Trust me, the dubbed clip is better:
Look Dick, Look
I already know I'm going to hell, so when I found this fan-made video to Bobby Vinton's ode to the dead Jane, I nearly fell off my chair:
Friday, January 16, 2009
Technicolor Dance Party.

I want to go to whatever party she's hosting. I bet there's a full bar and a deep stack of platters on the turntable.
[via Blonde Zombies.]
A Gal Named Skeeter

Poppy early 60s songs of regret, deception, and broken hearts....hell, it's country music awright? from Skeeter Davis, found at qtalos.
Bizarre Ride to the Far Side.

(Yeah, I know I've been chatty today, but this is the last post from me, I promise.)
Presenting the Far Side Reenactments Flickr group, where you can see plenty of photographic recreations of your favorite Far Side comics.
[via Occasional Fish.]
evil fun with photoshop
far side
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Google Earth and the Prado
Bearded Roman points to this cool new thing on Google Earth: about a dozen masterpieces from the Prado in extreme HiRes... it's cool.

Trailer for Big Man Japan
Trailer for Big Man Japan (Dai-Nipponjin) - coming this spring. BMJ is directed by and stars Hitoshi Matsumoto of the Japanese Manzai team "Downtown."
Was google searching today for versions of the song "Vehicle"
and ran across

Words fail me.
From i love punkin
and ran across

Words fail me.
From i love punkin
Back From the Grave.

Space Bastard is back!
Phelpster over at the Manchester Morgue has resurrected the Morgue's poster-based sister site with a great collection of '70s era Dracula movie posters. Groovy, baby!

Need your daily dose of creepy? Take a browse through the ManBabies galleries. Just don't blame me if they show up in your dreams tonight.
Logging On, Old Skool Style.
Remember when the internet was quaint? When people looked at you funny for using it? Ah, the memories...
Remember, don't send "spam" like a "newbie" or you'll get "flamed."
[via Everything is Terrible.]
Remember, don't send "spam" like a "newbie" or you'll get "flamed."
[via Everything is Terrible.]
Brazil Gems in the Playlist

On this week's by Nin and Your Boys from 1963 might remind you of the inept junior high school bands of your first school dance....album courtesy of It's Twisting Time. The Sharebee links are so old only the Megaupload option remains.
The site also has some Meire Pavão sides that I've been enjoying, (you can also find them at Sodajoivemguarda) including "Meu Broto Aprendeu Karatê (My Boyfriend's Learning Karate)" and "I Love Batman".
What are YOU listening to?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Ricardo Montalban
He just died, too. Jeez! They are droppin' all over. Well, hopefully he's gone to the big fantasy island in the sky. In his Cordoba.
RIP Pat Hingle
I just found out that Pat Hingle, of such things as "On The Waterfront","Splendor in the Grass" and of course, Commissioner Gordon in the Batman Movies (before the reboot)

His Imdb page.

His Imdb page.
Stupid Monsters
....and scary freaks (with apologies to David Bowie....)
Head Injury Theater offers an insightful look into the "D&D" scene.
"I mean, I doodle stupid monsters all the time. But I would never put them in a book and expect other human beings to have to experience them. That's why we're going to go through the D&D Gallery of Shame."

Exceptional Intelligence?

New Buffalo Bills Logo?

As the author writes.... I'm not gonna touch this one.......
Head Injury Theater offers an insightful look into the "D&D" scene.
"I mean, I doodle stupid monsters all the time. But I would never put them in a book and expect other human beings to have to experience them. That's why we're going to go through the D&D Gallery of Shame."

Exceptional Intelligence?

New Buffalo Bills Logo?

As the author writes.... I'm not gonna touch this one.......
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