Tiger:Sent: 06:01 PM 09/27/2009:I will leave an envelope at the front desk under ms daniels. Your room will be 305. Get settled and let me know when you are ready to see me.
Tiger:Sent: 06:01 PM 07/27/2009:n room 201. You can come down the stair well next to your room. Make sure absolutely no one sees you
Tiger:Sent: 06:27 AM 07/27/2009:Noone. And it's mint condition. Black and shiny. No visible marks.
Tiger:Sent: 06:30 PM 08/29/2009:Yeah sexy.
Tiger:Sent: 06:37 PM 08/29/2009:I will wait for you. I'll keep it enveloped.
Tiger:Sent: 06:37 PM 08/29/2009: 183 I swear
Tiger:Sent: 06:41 PM 08/29/2009:Hurry!
Tiger:Sent: 06:42 PM 08/29/2009:I'm drooling. The rekkid is hot. Hurry hurry.
Note: End of joke. End of internet.
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