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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Ghosts In The Landscape: Vietnam Revisited

Ghosts In The Landscape: Vietnam Revisited Craig J. Barber... Ghosts In The Landscape: Vietnam Revisited. "...I began returning to Viet Nam early in 1995. My intent: photographing, writing and learning about the land I first saw as a combat Marine many years before. Full of youthful ignorance upon my initial arrival in Viet Nam, saddened and still ignorant upon my departure, I returned home with more questions than answers and more anger than I care to admit. This time, older, gentler and more mature, I hoped for a better understanding. Carrying vivid memories - some good, some not so, all intense, all needing clarification - I navigated each day through the landscape of my emotions. Following I share a journal entry:
The lack of discernible change is jarring at times. Memory runs deep in my veins as I wind my way along narrow dirt paths and bamboo groves, past straw houses and barking dogs. More than once, as I wander the small hamlets, I have felt on patrol, the weight of my pack reminiscent of those days and the tripod feeling like a weapon. But now I am searching for images instead of 'Charlie.' These moments are disconcerting but I do not brush them aside. I am trying not to brush anything aside, I want to embrace all that comes along." From Works by Craig J. Barber.