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Sunday, June 05, 2005

Week 12: Reconsider Me

So, where to end this first compilation from your friends at the HTMPL office, but with a ballad. Margaret Lewis (no relationship with the Killer, although they did perform together in the late 1950s) might be more well known for her rockabilly tune “Shake A Leg” and her short career on RAM Records. As for me, well, nothing beats this demo, penned and performed with partner Mira Smith, in 1966. Ok, so it´s more country soul than rock´n´roll. Who cares, when an angel sings?
The Killer and Margaret Lewis

20. Reconsider Me – Margaret Lewis

Don´t worry, we´ll be back really soon with a two month dual (or should that be duel?) theme of Christianity and Satanism. How´s that for yin and yang?

(sex:) Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4 (drugs:) Week 5 - Week 6 - Week 7 - Week 8 (Rock'n'roll:) Week 9 - Week 10 - Week 11