Jaime, writes: "A few years back i picked up a book called making love. how to be your own sex therapist at one of my favorite used bookstores. it’s a self help book of sorts. a workbook. here is an explanation from the forward, “what does this book offer? in my view it fills an important niche… a tool for those who would like to examine themselves, take stock, and use the book as a kind of personal companion in exploring new worlds- inner worlds, sexual worlds...” i’d love to say it’s a good book but i’ve never actually read it. “so why did you buy it?” i hear you asking. well for the photos of course! ..."
Check these pretty pics out! [NSFW!]
Ps. Jaime, I will answer your mail later today. :-) Now. I'm off to see a Howlin' Wolf documentary!
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