On saturday june 4th the Meander Bigband will tour for the third time abroad. This time the 55 students of the Agnieten College, location Meander will go to England. They will be guests at a special school for performing arts in Halesowen: >Earls High School
During their stay at this school they will be co-operating with the students of the >Earls High College. They will give concerts at schools, shopping centres and in Stratfort-upon-Avon, place of birth of William Shakespaere.
After that they won't be allowed to have much rest because there are also concerts in Zwolle on june 11th and june 23th during several festivities in town
The Meander Bigband was part of the 52 weeks project:
And their music, among which are some very fine pop and jazz covers, can still be downloaded from:
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