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Thursday, January 06, 2005

Adan Hernandez

"Adan is a modern artist whose work merges Neo-Expressionism with Chicano-Noir.The aesthetics in his art evoke emotions ofalienation, uncertainty,desperation and loss, which dominates the Chicano experience. An experience which lurks in the shadows of the American Dream. ..."
"Maddog sunglasses on a hazy face,look back thru the rainstreakedcar window.Lurking in the back-ground,the car radio weeps witha melody.''Da-da-da-da-..da-da-da-da..daa-da-da..''Chelo Sil-va's trajic voice fills the soulwith a painful longing for an et-ernal existence..''Estas sellado..por el destino..''The maddogs glow an eerie red reflecting themenacing flashers as they closein.''Que tu seras.. mi companiero''"
Pachuco - An Epic Tale from the Varrio
Also check out the Gallery-A Paintings (via Cipango)