Here is your weekly SwaG!, the radio program of Bat Guano.
It began as the usual SwaG! for the first hour. And the Green Slime was without incident... and then Mr. Guano decided to comment on this story, “Recording Industry Decries AM-FM Broadcasting as ‘A Form of Piracy.’”
It would seem that the RIAA would like radio disk jockeys to stop playing music for free. You know -- promoting songs, giving artists exposure. It is a stunning reversal from their traditional practice of payola.
The Dr. (of the following program “Rock and/or Roll”) had to clean the mic off.
If you wish to hear Bat Guano rant, or just want to hear his unique mix of punk rock and ragtime hits, go here. You will also be tempted to steal (listen to, for free) the radio program, but don't do that.
Your kiddies will squeal with delight when you give them the "Bing Crosby Coloring Book".
"I call dibs on coloring his pipe!"
"I get to do his golf clubs!"
"I get to color the picture of him beating the kids with a bag of oranges!"
We don't need to tell you what her biggest hit was.
Various members of the Kalamazoo, Mich., music community began obsessing over Gail Martin. Is she a "rock and roll Carol King"? Is she really rocking, or more soft-rocking, yacht-rocking?
So New Real People, a trio of musicians from the bands The Sinatras, Forutne and Maltese, The Seleestacks, Goldstar, and a brief reunion of the hardcore group Violent Apathy embarked on a project to capture the magic. They "covered" Martin's big hit, "Tarzana Nights," a wistful slice of '70s soft rock and quiet thunder. Literal thunder -- but it's soft thunder from storms of glistening passion that have damply receded into the past.
You can hear the magic here.
The Comics Curmudgeon raves, "...New Real People, has recorded the definitive version of Tarzana Nights for the twenty-first century."
Here is Fortune and Maltese, late 1967, Kalamazoo, featuring two who would become New Real People in a short 40 years:
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