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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Big Wild Man Fischer Update

Updated and on-line as from 2010!

We´ve been raving about the Wild Man before but we just can´t help ourselves. We finally got the opportunity to watch the dvd release of the documentary “Derailroaded” by Josh Rubin. Aah – the glory of seeing the Wild Man roaming the streets, chatting with Zappa, appearing at the Laugh In Show and performing live. It´s not all joy though, the last few minutes are truly heartbreaking, with a really down and out Larry, and at the same time voyerism at it´s worst. But skipping those last moments there´s an aboundant of good stuff here. The Bouilliabase segment by Pat Moriarity is spot on, one of the best summations you´re ever likely to see about Larry. Yes, you need to buy this dvd – no home is complete without the Wild Man.

“This is not Adolf Hitler speaking, this is Wild Man Fischer”. This LP is long gone and no re-relase in sight so we thought we might give you all a last treat. Two formal recording dates with Larry and Smegma took place. The first of these (which includes primarily the "Midnight Train To Georgia/I Used To Be A Rock & Roll Star" medley - a really great free form jazz extravaganza) took place on new years day 1975 in Smegma's newly formed BUB studio at 777 North Los Robles. The second session was a bit more deliberate, with almost a rock band setting. These sessions (released in 1997 on Birdman Records) provide a bridge between the "An Evening with" album and the three LPs for the Rhino label and show a side of Mr. Fisher that´s right up there with his best stuff.
Wild Man & Smegma

Wild Man Fisher and Smegma Sing Popular Songs (more info here)

01. Stigmatize your Mind
02. Midnight Train/Rock-n-Roll Star/Say It
03. Jimmy Durante
04. Dandylion Flower
05. Please Like Us
06. Potato War
07. Stino
08. Breakfast with Bananas
09. Auto Suk #2
10. When the Saints Go Marching In
11. Fill the Boot
12. The Party's Over

Download ("Wild Man Fisher and Smegma Sing Popular Songs" zipped) at MediaFire or,
Download ("Wild Man Fisher and Smegma Sing Popular Songs" zipped) at files.ww

And please make sure to grab "An Evening With Wild Man Fischer" which was posted here at PCL for Christmas.

Then hook up with the Bonus Wild Man tracks.

41 Wild Man Fischer

And with that we leavy you good folks. We´re refurnishing the HTMPL office and moving on, we might pop back somewhere in a future but basically this is it. So, from all of us to all of you: keep on churnin´ till the butter comes!

/HTMPL Prod., signing off.