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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Witty Ditties

Pastor McPurvis sais: "Up this week is an album full of ‘adult’ songs sung by Charley Drew. Mr. Drew was the featured entertainer in the bar/lounge at the Hotel Taft in New York City for over 30 years during the mid part of last century. The songs are based on clever wordplay and double-entendre and are accompanied with simple but effective instrumental arrangements. If you can imagine Tom Lehrer with a bit of an adult edge you’ve got a good idea of Mr. Drew. All in all it is a fun little album that was new to me and hopefully new to you also. As always, Enjoy!"
That sound cool. I'll be there in just a minute!
Charley Drew - Charley Drew Sings Witty Ditties (And SpaceMonkey, you better get there in time this time...!)
