PCL LinkDump: Audio / Visual findings on a more or less regular basis.
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Monday, January 01, 2007

PCL LinkDump, 2006 in numbers

Total hits: 519 314 (average hits/day:1 423)
Total pageviews: 1 388 060 (average pageviews/day: 3 803)

Most hits at a specific day: 8 236 (Friday, April 28)

10 best referring sources:

1. BoingBoing
2. Weirdomusic
3. Pussycalor note: NSFW
4. lellebelle note: stopped posting in October 2006
5. Endless Mike
6. Bedazzled
7. Bellybongo
8. Sensual Liberation Army note: NSFW
9. Planet X note: has moved to Xtabays World
10. Lazar's Corner of Lounge Music

10 most popular posts (at least according to the amount of hits...):

1. Hara Kiri Covers
2. Pagan Island
3. Monument to pro-life the birth of Sean Preston note: deleted post
4. Christmas Audio 2006
5. On the Road with Jack and Steve
6. Download this Space-Age-Pop-thing.
7. The B-Movie Trailers Who Came From Outer Space and Invaded Earth To Become Rulers of the Universe But Became Mixed-Up Flash Clips on YouTube
8. The 45s, mp3 comp.
9. More Christmas Audio 2006
10. Oddities, mp3 comp.

Thanks for stopping by!

/Z aka Sebastian aka mrdantefontana