During the "Week van de psychedelica" (april 22 - 29) three Dutch radio stations are joining forces.
Saturday Dutch alternative classical radio station
De Concertzender will broadcast the night of the psychedelica.
Between 19:00 PM - 09:00 AM CET (13:00-03:00 EST, 10:00-01:00 MST, etc...) 14 hours of "Technicolor Dream" music will be broadcasted.
First hour: "Technicolor Films" psychedelic music in films
Second hour: "Door de technicolor mazen van het net"
= (hard to translate) "Through the Technicolor meshes of the Net
" Third 4 hours: Joe Boyd (Pink Floyd's first producer) and The UFO club
Fourth 6 hours: Chosen live from the vast psychedelic record collection of Hans von Seydlitz (a.o. Pink Floyd, The Kinks, Tomorrow, The Move, The Smoke, Yardbirds, Arthur Brown),
Fifth part, one hour: "Briljant but failed" a.o. Mark Wirtz's Teenage Opera
Sixth part: one hour: "Curt Boettcher, too good to be true", a documentary
Seventh part: Chill out, nonstop sunshine pop
You can
listen live from the Concertzender's website